Pursuing natural health & thinking beyond the superficial. Deconstructing Culture.

Plantain Cacao Nibs Fruit Spread Vegan Snack Breakfast Lunch Dessert

I love plantain; I usually love plantain ‘chips’ i.e. chunky crisps but those aren’t as healthy. With these you basically just slice a plantain or few and quick fry them on high heat (quick and high otherwise they get sticky and too soft) in a complimentary oil like coconut, safflower or grapeseed, and that’s it 😀

I served mine with cacao nibs and 100% fruit spread (not jam because those usually contain approx only 30-45% fruit, the rest refined sugar and other nasties).

These are so tasty but also filling so I can’t actually overeat them.

Hope you liked this quick and simple recipe! 🙂